We're a few weeks into the Fall Semester at Geneseo, where I am lucky to be teaching three classes! I'm teaching "Movement for Musical Theatre" and "Speech for Singers" - two classes for juniors and seniors studying musical theatre. I'm also co-teaching "Musical Theatre Collaboration: Ensembles and Inspiration" with Don Kot.
In Movement for Musical Theatre, I'll be exploring ways to make a character come alive through our physical selves, using techniques like Viewpoints and Laban Efforts to tell the story. In Speech for Singers, we use Linklater technique to find our connection to an embodied voice. (I'll also be talking to them about the International Phonetic Alphabet and accent work!) In both classes, we're finishing the courses with Shakespeare scenes and monologues, as a chance to get experience with Shakespeare and see how they can tie their training to performance.
Musical Theatre Collaboration is a new course for both Don and me. Although we've taught a similar class before, this semester we are particularly hoping to discuss the artist as a whole person. We'll be asking working actors to talk with our students about their experiences and how they avoid burnout (or come back from burnout), how they stay positive in the face of rejection, and more.
I love being able to return to classes that I've taught before and see what I can do differently based on previous classes or feedback from others. For example, this semester, we'll be spending a bit more time looking at accents while discussing IPA, and specifically tailoring the IPA unit towards accent work, rather than spending one or two days on the subject.
On top of teaching, I'll also be directing their Page to Stage production if A Grand Night for Singing - a Rodgers and Hammerstein revue. I love their music and I can't wait to play with the new interpretations found in this revue!
It's a busy semester, but a wonderful one!